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Tension Can Affect Your Bowling Movements

By:, Originally Posted: 12/18/16; Updated: 1/18/2023

Bowling in competition will cause tension and tension can affect your bowling movements.

Every bowler experiences tension or anxiety to some degree regardless of their experience and skill levels.

The trick is to understand when your nerves cause you to make poor shots, what can you do at that point to quickly to restore good bowling tempo?

First, focus on the pace of your steps for a shot or two making sure you are not too slow or too hurried compared to when you bowl your best. Do this by silently counting cadence as you walk to the line.

Next, do the same with your swing tempo for a shot or two making sure you are swinging your bowling ball at your usual pace. Do this by using a consistent gripping pressure on the ball throughout your swing and release movements.

Keep your upper body as still as possible while you walk and swing your bowling ball. Do this by reducing head movement and by retaining a constant spine angle throughout your entire approach movements.

Nerves can adversely affect muscle movements. Since it is not really possible to reduce all tension in your body when bowling, it is best to restore your routine tempo with your steps and swing so you can more easily perform to your expectations.

A reduction of muscle tension will also produce consistency when releasing your ball. Do this and see your ball reaction also become consistent.

The subtle adjustments you make when bowling can make the biggest difference.

Not every adjustment you make, however, works if you become increasingly tense and try forcing your shots when you need strikes in closely contested competition.

The best method of restoring good shotmaking is to restore steps and swing tempo to your routine movements when you are bowling at your very best.

Another factor is to avoid the highs and lows of emotion and remain composed. The players who are able to remain calm and retain composure in pressure bowling situations are the ones who typically enjoy the most success. Maintaining an even keel on the lanes is your best bet over the long run and will help restore good tempo when you bowl.


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