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Forward Bowling Ball Roll

Written By: Rich Carubba | Written On: Thursday, April 13, 2023 | Updated On: Saturday, January 4, 2025

In bowling, forward roll refers to the motion of the ball where the majority of its energy is directed down the lane in a straight path with minimal side spin or axis rotation. This type of roll allows the ball to maintain a more controlled trajectory and delay hooking action, helping it stay on a straight line longer before it transitions into the hooking phase.

When a bowling ball has forward roll, the rotation of the ball is aligned with the direction it's traveling. This is particularly helpful in certain lane conditions, especially on shorter oil patterns or dry lanes, where early hooking can be a problem. Forward roll can also be useful for bowlers who want more control at the break point (the moment the ball begins to hook).

The degree of forward roll is influenced by factors like:

  • Release technique: A more end-over-end release with less side rotation creates more forward roll.
  • Grip and wrist position: Keeping the hand behind the ball during the release helps promote forward roll. Rotating the hand too much to the side will decrease forward roll and increase side spin or axis tilt.
  • Ball surface and lane conditions: Certain ball surfaces (like duller, more textured balls) can help increase forward roll by creating more friction with the lane.

A ball with more forward roll will transition into its hook phase later and typically have a smoother, more predictable motion as it reaches the pins. This is in contrast to a ball with a lot of side spin or axis rotation, which will tend to hook sharper and earlier down the lane.

Bowlers aiming for more forward roll typically do so to control the ball better on challenging conditions or to improve their ability to hit specific targets. Balancing forward roll with proper ball speed and lane-reading skills can improve accuracy and overall scores.

In this era of the power game and modern bowling ball equipment, it is easy to be infatuated with the big hook. The big hook is very exciting to watch and really generates a high rev-rate and dramatic pin carry.

The “big hook” delivery style may not be best for you, however.
The “power player” uses a risk/reward delivery style. It is easy to advocate the power game for those bowlers with the physical gifts to control a legitimate strong release style and align to the lane conditions accordingly.
Most of us bowlers are not power players and can benefit from a more conventional, low axis tilt delivery style.
Known commonly as a “stroker” delivery style, this low rev-rate and low axis tilt delivery gives an appearance of an end-over-end, forward rolling motion as a given ball rolls down the lane.

A forward rolling motion is an easy delivery style for maintaining accuracy and ball path control. It is very easy to overturn the bowling ball or to turn the ball too soon when you are trying to hook your ball. Forcing the turn of the ball while trying to “cup” the wrist to gain more revs is a trap which can lead to errant deliveries if you are not well coached or well practiced in doing so.

The forward roll, low axis tilt delivery style can produce a very controllable hook motion on a wide range of lane conditions. Depending on the given ball you choose, you can vary the amount of hook you achieve using little axis tilt.

A low axis tilt is primarily developed by a small bowling finger rotation, perhaps as little as a half inch of rotation, to produce the forward roll you seek and reduce the risk of an uncontrollable ball reaction.

There are two hand positions you may use to get the forward roll motion on your bowling ball. You may stay directly behind the bottom of the bowling ball with the palm of your hand and your bowling fingers until your hand reaches the delivery zone at the bottom of your forward swing. At this time, you merely rotate your bowling fingers, perhaps only a half of an inch of rotation, and you will achieve a low axis tilt delivery.

The other method is to have your bowling hand on the outside of the ball about 90 degrees turned away from the behind-the-ball position. From the side of the ball, no finger rotation is needed to achieve a low axis tilt and a forward rolling motion on your ball.

This method is the old “suitcase” release taught by coaches decades ago.

Releasing the ball with your hand on the side of the ball risks overturning or “topping” the ball and risks pulling your ball away from your intended delivery path.

Staying behind the ball has the advantages of swinging your ball very close to your body with the inside edge of the ball very near your sliding ankle and under your bowling shoulder at the moment you release the ball. This technique creates greater leverage and power than does the “side-of-the-ball” release technique.

Regardless of your delivery style, using little finger rotation will create a low axis tilt and a forward rolling motion applied to your bowling ball. If you want to create a highly controllable ball reaction, use the forward roll technique and gain increased accuracy.


The forward roll technique isn’t just about style; it’s a method to improve accuracy, control, and consistency. Bowlers who master forward roll can manage challenging lane conditions with ease and gain an advantage over players who rely solely on power. This style helps maintain the trajectory of the ball, ensuring better alignment to the pocket and higher scores. Whether you’re a stroker or learning to control hook potential, the forward roll can be your secret weapon to success. Keep practicing this method, trust in your skills, and watch your game elevate to new heights.

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