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A Bowling Mental Tip

Written By: | Written On: Monday, November 30, 2020 | Updated On: Friday, December 4, 2020

By:, Original Post Date: 8/11/17, Updated 11/30/20
Sometimes a bowling mental tip can help your game provided it is the right tip at the right time.
One generally accepted and universal mental tip is to see your bowling ball reaction and its travel direction down the lane before you actually bowl.
The commonly referred to phrase “pre-shot routine” addresses which physical and mental checkpoints you engage before stepping onto the approach and bowling.
If you only check physical aspects when preparing to bowl, you miss important visualization strategies for your brain to signal to your body.
A solid tip which applies to all bowlers of any skill level is to visualize yourself delivering your bowling ball successfully down your intended travel path toward the mid-lane.
In other words, see it before you do it.
Understanding that using a sight target on the lane helps you locate a specific aim point which helps you get a ball reaction so you hit the pocket or pick up a given spare.
What is more vital is to see the entire path your ball should follow down the lane, over your tiny aim point, and continuing down the lane to the breakpoint and then rolling to the pocket.

In your mind, see the entire journey your ball will travel to the pocket or to the spare before you begin your approach to the foul line.
By doing so, your brain signals your arm swing and your bowling hand precisely where you want your ball to go and at the delivery angle path you wish for the ball to follow.
During your pre-shot routine, you can also make decisions on your alignment, feel your approach motion before bowling, and using this mental game tip to visualize your ball traveling exactly as you intend achieving the desired result.
If you take a look at some of the best professional bowlers, you can almost envision the process they go through before they even step foot on the approach. They are mentally going through the next shot and what type of shot shape they are looking for.
This approach can help bowlers of all skill levels, it is also a great way to keep focused throughout the shot and leading up to the next shot.
The game is not purely physical but rather a blend of physical game skills coupled with your mental game strategies. A bowling mental tip of seeing your ball motion before actually bowling can help strengthen your resolve to be successful in competition.

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