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Winning And Bowling

Written By: | Written On: Monday, January 30, 2017 | Updated On: Thursday, November 8, 2018

By:, 1/30/17
Winning and bowling are not linked directly but rather a state of mind. If you are a talented, competitive bowler, your patience will be tested when you fail to bowl well enough to win a match or to exceed your average.
Always try your very best each shot you make and bowl with a mindset to win, to beat your best performances and to get the most out of every competitive session.
It is easy to bowl with passion and to try and close out your opponent when you are on top of your game, but passion can quickly turn to anger if you fail to bowl as well as needed to win.
At times like these, it is important to dig deep within yourself to make every shot count regardless if you have your “best stuff” or not.
If you develop character and never give in or give up on making your best efforts every time you bowl, you will be prepared to win when you are at the top of your game.
Avoid the frustrations and anger angry when things are not going the way you wish. Anger is not the recipe for success.
No one likes losing, especially talented bowlers.
Think instead of treating each shot as though it is the most important shot you will ever deliver.
By establishing the frame of mind that you are on a path to winning you will develop a winning attitude.
A winning attitude is a habit founded upon the principles of always trying your best every time to prepare to bowl in competition or in practice.
Desire, dedication, and determination are the three keys to winning and bowling. Begin each competitive session with the end in mind, on your end goal of winning. Commit to your game plan and execute one good shot at a time and then move on to the next.

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