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What Is Key To Your Bowling Release?

Written By: | Written On: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 | Updated On: Tuesday, November 20, 2018

By:, 11/15/16 continues our series of Editorial articles to express opinions about the bowling industry. This article asks you what is key to your bowling release?
Because this site provides ongoing and periodic editorial bowling articles, we thought it would be informative to learn from you what is key to your bowling release?
Let’s begin by saying every bowler uses their own release technique and has developed feel for when they release the bowling ball. Everyone feels their hand in their bowling ball differently.
What is the most important key you think about when releasing your bowling ball?
Since most of you are single handed bowlers using a thumb and finger holes to grip the bowling ball, we expect most comments to address this style of bowling.
We do, however, invite two handed bowlers or bowlers who do not use a thumb in the ball to comment as well.
Here are ideas which may lead you to commenting:
Do you key your release with your thumb exiting your bowling ball before your fingers?
Do you try to lift the ball out onto the lane with your bowling fingers?
Is your release key thoughts relative to your hand reaching the bottom of your forward swing?
Do you focus on staying behind the bowling ball as long as possible?
Do you favor keying on your fingers snapping and your wrist unhinging to apply maximum revs and rotation onto your ball?
Is the amount of gripping pressure you place on your ball of concern to you as you swing and release the ball?
Each bowler will have a key thought, or thoughts, related to releasing their bowling ball accurately and consistently based on their own delivery technique. What technique or keys to your release can you share with our community friends?
We would very much appreciate your comments. Kindly place your comment in our blog section immediately below this article and share with us your release thoughts when you bowl in competition. We thank you in advance for your participation and we look forward to reading your comments.
Thank You,

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