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Why You Should Take A Bowling Lesson

Written By: Rich Carubba | Written On: Tuesday, August 20, 2024

If you feel your game is not up to par or if you are just returning to bowling after a long layoff, perhaps you are asking yourself why you should take a bowling lesson? Is it possible that you are undecided on how to play the lanes at your local center or how to correct your poor release of your bowling ball? There are any number of good reasons why you should take a bowling lesson so let's explore what a coach can offer you to help get on the road to improvement. In no particular order of importance, let's examine various reasons coaching can be useful:

  • Evaluating your present physical game
  • Offering techniques to improve your physical game
  • Generating a template for future practice sessions
  • Evaluating your bowling equipment
  • Discussions on how to improve your performances in competition
There are many good reasons why using the services of a United State Bowling Association (USBC) Certified Instructor can be helpful to your bowling game. Before we examine some of these reasons, let's begin by recognizing that coaching services are not necessarily very expensive endeavors. In fact, in most cases, local bowling professionals experienced in coaching or local USBC certified coaches typically charge fees much less than the cost of new bowling equipment, particularly the high end bowling balls, bowling bags and bowling shoes. Why not consider developing your personal "team" with the intent of helping you improve your skills and hire the services of a coach? The plain and simple fact is bowlers typically reject the notion of taking lessons or postpone taking a lesson until they never do. The top players in the country all work with personal trainers or coaches and for good reason. So please give strong consideration to hiring the services of a capable coach if you are one of these bowlers who has not taken a bowling lesson. You can find a coach quite easily by asking employees of your favorite bowling center, consulting with the pro shop professionals in your area, or perhaps searching for contact information in local bowling newspapers. With a little time in researching a coach experienced in helping bowlers of your skill and experience level, you will locate a good coach. We recommend you take at least one introductory lesson which could be just the ticket to protect your investment in new bowling equipment and help improve your scoring. An experienced coach will usually first evaluate your present physical game. By following a structure or matrix of fundamental components of the physical game, your coach will make assessments of your current assets and liabilities and then begin by addressing with you the most important components of making a good approach and then offer the remedies needed one step at a time. Perhaps you are in need of making an adjustment in your set-up position when taking your stance position on the approach? Perhaps your footwork is in need of correcting a major drift away from a good walking path to the foul line? Perhaps you are moving too quickly and picking up far too much foot speed before releasing the ball? Or perhaps you are standing too close or too far from the foul line when beginning your approach. Your coach will address these matters and help you with the technique best matching your physical skills. Of course, there may be other areas of your approach your coach will work on such as your timing, arm swing tempo, swing path direction or follow through or perhaps your release technique of your bowling ball. Once your coach evaluates your present bowling form, suggestions will be made to fix the areas of attention and your coach will present a practice system so you can work on the several areas of your game where tips have been given. Everyone needs a good practice system so your time on the lanes is productive. It may very well require more than one coaching session, several in fact, to address various areas of your physical game. After one session with your coach, you will know how to begin the process to make the adjustments to your technique as needed and what specifically to work on during future practice sessions. Often, your coach will offer useful suggestions on bowling equipment. Your coach might see a need for a new bowling ball, which will better match to the lane conditions you most frequently encounter than what you currently have in your arsenal. You might receive a tip on a new model of bowling shoes to offer improved sliding stability and consistency. Or perhaps your coach might suggest the use of a wrist support device to help you with your release technique. Proper bowling equipment is an important part of the sport and learning where to invest your resources can be a very useful step offered by your coach.
Finally, your coach might help you with competitive strategies such as how to relax, how to make make lane adjustments as lanes change during competition, or simply how to prepare your warm-up sessions before beginning league play. There are so many reasons why use of a coach can be very beneficial to you so if you have not already done so, give some strong consideration to working with a coach. We always recommend working with a coach who can get to know your you and your game and keep pointing you to the path of progress. While you are here at our site, please take some time to examine our extensive list of bowling products and kindly be reminded that our discounted prices are available with free shipping on every item at When you are ready to make your purchase, simply follow our easy online order instructions because our store is open 24 hours per day, each and every day. Thank you for visiting
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