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How To Select The Best Bowling Ball RG

Written By: | Written On: Thursday, September 26, 2024 Originally Published: 01/18/2007; Updated On: 09/26/2024  

If you set out to determine how to select the best bowling ball RG, then there are three factors to help you to make the right choice:

  1. 1. RG measurements
  2. 2. Lane Conditions
  3. 3. Matching balls to conditions

The radius of gyration (RG) is one key measurement engineers use to identify where the mass distribution inside a bowling ball is concentrated and is a key factor in how to select the best bowling ball RG. The RG is an account of the location of the mass inside a given bowling ball and relates whether the ball mass is concentrated toward the center of the ball (low RG), toward the coverstock of the ball (high RG), or between the two points (medium RG).
Bowling balls measured with low RG ratings will encourage a fast and early revolution rate and tend to pick up a strong roll pattern on the front end of the lane where the greatest concentration of lane oil exists. Low RG balls are great choices for heavy or medium heavy oil lane conditions. Medium RG balls will pick up its strongest revolution rate on the mid-portion of the lane and tend to match well with medium to medium-heavy oil lane conditions. In general, a medium RG ball will react smoothly on the front end, roll effectively in the mid-lane, and arc evenly on the back-end of the lane which makes it a reliable ball in reading the lanes.
High RG balls will lope down the lane conserving energy for later use thereby picking up its strongest roll pattern on the back end of the lane. A long skid pattern produced by high RG balls will match well on medium-dry to dry lane conditions.
A good strategy in how to select the best bowling ball RG is to determine how quickly you wish for the ball to pick-up a strong revolution rate? As an example, if the lane conditions you regularly encounter have a high volume of oil on the front end of the lane, then a low RG ball with short skid-length potential and an aggressive, solid coverstock is a smart choice. If lane conditions have medium oil, then choosing a ball with medium RG and a mildly aggressive coverstock will match well because medium RG bowling balls pick up a strong revolution rate in the mid-lane. As you might expect, dry lanes which have little oil on the front end and tend to encourage an earlier hooking motion than desired require a high RG ball with a stiff or pearl coverstock to encourage a long skid length and conserving energy until further down the lane. has become the No. 1 “e-tailer” of choice for bowling equipment by consumers of America. When you are ready to place an order, it is an easy process by following simple online instructions or merely calling us at (888) 265-2695 and one of our sales associates will be available to assist. Thanks for visiting!
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