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Written By: Rich Carubba | Written On: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 | Updated On: Wednesday, May 29, 2019

When ready to purchase your next bowling ball, don't be confused with all the new bowling balls available in the market. The Perfect Scale® ball rating feature will help you match the right bowling ball to the lane oil conditions. Just determine which type of ball motion you wish to achieve with your next new bowling ball. Check the Perfect Scale® ball rating feature at on our site and narrow your search to a comfortable level of options.
Leading manufacturers have placed great emphasis on developing balanced lines of top performance bowling balls with versatility in core design and coverstocks to enhance choices with bowling ball reaction capabilities. It is important to first identify your existing ball reaction when bowling on your most commonly encountered lane conditions. Determine what you would like to see differently regarding ball motion in your new ball compared to your existing equipment.
For heavy oil on the front end, you may wish to choose a solid and aggressive, reactive resin coverstock to combat the high volume of oil in the front ends of the lanes such as the Virtual Gravity NANO, the Hell Raiser or the Critical Theory models.
On medium lane conditions, as example, you can select ball models which provide a smooth glide in the front end of the lane and a smooth transition in the mid-lane and at the break point. Examples of this type of ball motion are the Tropical Heat Solid Indigo/Violet , the Karma Black/Blue Solid, or the Rising Star.
On dry lanes, consider options such as the Tropical Breeze Pearl Pink/Purple, the Slingshot Silver/Black, or the Natural Pearl models so you can get sufficient ball skid in the front end and still store enough energy to get a predictable motion down the lane and at impact with the pins. has created our own hook rating scale. Because each manufacturer uses a different method for indicating a ball's hook potential, developed a way for the consumer to compare bowling balls across all manufacturers. The result: The Perfect Scale®. Our goal is simply to make it easier for our customers to compare products and feel confident in their purchases.
The Perfect Scale® ranges from 1 to 300. Plastic bowling balls with very low hook potential, rate a 5. The highest number achieved on the scale to date is 236.2. As you can see, we've left room for improvement on our scale in anticipation of new technologies that will add additional hook potential. Most manufacturers had been forced to alter their existing scales as their products change.
The Perfect Scale® uses mathematical formulas along with the manufacturer's current scale to arrive at a uniform and comparable number. The Perfect Scale® allows you to compare products based on hook potential. When comparing products, make sure to also take into account other factors that can impact the performance of your bowling equipment, such as your bowling ability, additional ball characteristics provided in the ball description, lane conditions at your local bowling center, drilling layout patterns, and ball surface texture strategies. has become the No. 1 “e-tailer” of choice for bowling equipment by the consumers of America. Ordering is an easy process by following simple online instructions. Thanks for visiting
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