Ebonite Pursuit-S Bowling Ball
Written By: bowlingball.com | Written On: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 | Updated On: Friday, January 17, 2020
It's about time that a
bowling ball comes along that is suited to your style of bowling, rather than you adjusting to it. If you like to stand left, throw it right and watch it come back, look no further than the Ebonite Pursuit-S!
The Pursuit Series is a Dual introduction, with a very unique perspective on marketing and merchandising to Pro Shops and, most importantly, to the bowling consumer! Let's talk about the product first and foremost:
Core: The Pursuit S is the Symmetric version of the Pursuit core, with a Mass Bias Rating of .000 and will be named the Empire-S Core design.
1) Mass Property Modulation Core Design - This allows Pro Shop Technicians the opportunity to change Mass Bias properties in the drilling process to match the shape the bowler is looking for on the lane.
2) Advanced Drilling Stability - As a result of the unique shape of the Empire core, you will change the values of RG and Differential at the same rate when drilling.
Cover: This is the most exciting part of the new Pursuit Series, the new chemistry! When discussing the Ebonite Brand, there are a few known qualities . . . the large negative quality the brand has had to deal with for years is longevity. We have a few items that we know will positively address this:
1) Chemically Treated Surface - As each Pursuit ball makes its way off of the finish line, each ball is treated chemically in order to open the pores and achieve optimal performance.
2) Ultra Robust Surfacing - Through the testing phase, we worked on multiple surface options that would allow the Pursuit balls to maintain length, but still offer strong backend continuation. The best possible surface that we tested is 800 Abralon and 1500 Abranet.
3) Hyper Branched MDI Technology - This new cover system offers more performance, longer than any other industry MDI covers currently used.
4) All New Components - The Ebonite Pursuit Product Line is using materials that NO OTHER BOWLING BALLS are currently using!
Concept: In bowling, we all know that there are bowlers that are able to take advantage of the latest and greatest cores each Brand releases to the market. At Ebonite, we have long been known for developing some of the very best cores the industry has ever used . . . but, as we all know, the cover is the most important part of the equation when we talk about creating ball motion. With Rev Rates of some players being so high, they really have been a segment of the market that has been neglected. That is where the Pursuit-S comes into play! Finally, Players that have High Rev Rates have a ball with the absolute latest cover technology! So, if you are a "Coast to Coast" bowler the Ebonite Pursuit-S will offer you the absolute best performance in the market to date!
Pursuit-S is currently selling for $139.95 and rates a 212.4.