Balance Under Bowling Pressure,
Originally Posted: 10/6/2014; Updated: 8/25/2022It cannot be emphasized enough the importance of not hurrying to deliver your bowling ball and making certain that you maintain good balance under bowling pressure.
Maintain a stable position at the foul line when delivering your ball. Regardless of how skilled you are, pressure causes players to rush in anticipation of making an important shot during competition.
Your objective must be to keep your balance regardless of the pressure situation you face.
Keep your upper body as still as possible when you slide toward your body center and under your chin.
Hold your form, your posture, until the ball approaches your sighting target on the lane or about one to two seconds of time.
Avoid rushing your swing faster than your normal routine when sliding into the foul line.
Remain motionless with your upper body as much as possible while walking to the foul line and keep your head steady to help stabilize your posture as you deliver the ball.
Reducing head movement during your approach will help you maintain good balance more than you may think.
Consider it as simply as moving your legs to walk and your arm to swing and deliver the bowling ball.
The less wasted body motion during your approach leads to improved balance.
A proven practice drill is to hold your form after releasing your ball and remain motionless until the ball reaches the pins.
If you are able to do this for several consecutive deliveries during your practice sessions, you will most certainly have very good balance balance and be well positioned to make good pressure shots.