Wait On Your Forward Bowling Swing
Written By: bowlingball.com | Written On: Monday, February 6, 2023
By: bowlingball.com,
Originally Posted: 11/10/16; Updated: 2/6/2023
Wait on your forward bowling swing and avoid forcing your release. Any top tier player understands the importance of good swing discipline as a vital key in good shot-making and these two focal points are prime examples.
One key in developing swing patience is to wait on your swing and not hurry or force the bowling ball down and through the release zone at the bottom of your forward swing arc.
Let's discuss how to wait on your bowling swing. Tempo of your swing is one important key for consistent shotmaking.
Here are a few additional techniques to practice waiting on your swing:
*Get the ball into your swing early enough and as tension free as you can.
*Avoid “grabbing” the ball at the top of the backswing and pulling the ball downward into your forward swing.
*Retain consistent grip pressure, not excessive grip pressure, on the ball throughout your entire swing cycle.
*Maintain an athletic body posture and avoid unnecessary upper body movement as you walk and swing your bowling ball.
Competitive bowling can affect any bowler of any skill level to lose swing tempo.
Make sure you avoid hurrying your steps so you can reduce chances of forcing your down swing motion.
This tendency to hurry your swing and/or steps in anticipation of trying to make a critical shot is a direct byproduct of tension caused by a competitive urge to win.
Wait on your bowling swing, keep your eyes focused on your sight target, and do not hurry your footwork and your swing cycle. Success relies on good swing discipline and swing awareness.
Another factor involved in waiting on your swing is using sufficient backswing speed so you can slightly accelerate your forward swing. A slower backswing speed leads to forcing your forward swing and release. Never quit on your swing and follow-through motion. Work on developing a consistent swing tempo and wait on the forward swing with a slight pause at the top so you can artfully attack the pins. Do so with good balance and posture as you slide and release your ball.
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