2015 USBC Open Championships Lane Conditions
It is important to gain some insight into lane conditions for 2015 USBC Open Championship before heading down to the El Paso, Texas Convention Center.
USBC publicly has posted a very informative YouTube video explaining the lane conditions for this event. In this video, you will view the oil patterns information such as oil distance for both the Team and Doubles & Singles events, oil ratios, and other key information.
Following the introduction of the oil patterns used in this year's events, the USBC has also provided in the YouTube video a section where PBA Champion and former Team USA member, Chris Barnes, explains what angles of attack bowlers in these events will likely face when playing the lanes.
Make sure you take time to view and listen to Chris Barnes in this video link provided below.
In general, bowlers can expect a slightly more challenging lane condition in both events than in 2014 but the patterns will offer multiple angles for direction players as well as power players.
For those of you unable to watch the video, here is the information for this year's events:
2015 USBC Open Championships
El Paso Convention Center
El Paso, Texas
March 7 - July 12
# Lanes: 52
Lane Surface: Brunswick ProLane
Pinsetters: Brunswick GS-X
Pins: Brunswick Max
Lane Machines: Kegel Flex Patriot Walker
Conditioner: Kegel Ice
Cleaner: Kegel Defense-C (mixed 4:1)
There will be two oil patterns this year - one for team and another for doubles/singles.
The team pattern this year is 38 feet in length and applies 26.9 mils of conditioner per lane.
The doubles/singles pattern this year is 39 feet in length and applies 27.05 mils of conditioner per lane.
Please watch the video multiple times if the information is provided so quickly where you might miss some of the interesting data discussed by USBC Managing Director, Neil Stremmel, and Chris Barnes.
Pay particular attention to preparing your bowling ball equipment for allowing you to play various angles on the lanes.
You may wish to discuss preparations for this tournament with your coach or instructor and, of course, with your pro shop professional.