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Bowler's Buying Guide

Shopping for proper weight

  • Average adult male usually bowls with a: 14-16 lb. ball
  • Average adult female usually bowls with a: 10-14 lb. ball
  • Juniors: 1lb. of weight per year of child's age, i.e. 8 yrs old = 8-lb. ball
  • Buy the heaviest ball that you can comfortably use while maintaining a proper speed. Heavier balls don't always knock down more pins. The impact of the bowling ball thrown would be speed times the mass. Ex: You would be better off with a 14 pound ball thrown 16 mph than a 16 pound ball thrown at 13 mph.
  • Be cautious of exceptions in size and physical ability; If you are larger/heavier than average, go up in weight; If you are smaller or have limiting physical features, stay lower in ball weight

Shopping by composition

Polyester and plastic ball

  • Recommended for beginners and entry-level players
  • Rolls straight with almost no hook
  • Great for spare shooting
  • Ideal if you roll a straight ball and just want a ball that fits the same every time

Urethane balls (Performance: Low)

  • Recommended for bowlers looking to improve their game
  • Rolls with a smoother arching reaction
  • Great for seniors or younger bowlers that want to hook the ball but don't have much ball speed
  • Urethane will go through the pins much better than plastic, i.e., ball must hit the 1,3,5,9 in order to strike. Plastic will deflect more leaving the 5 pin more often.
  • Can easily be sanded or polished depending on ball speed and lane conditions

Resin, Reactive, and Particle balls (Performance: Medium-High)

  • Yield similar benefits as urethane balls, but offer a sharper hook with more carrying power
  • Allows bowler to achieve a sharper entry angle
  • Offer greatest strike potential of any bowling ball type
  • 100% of professional bowlers use this type of bowling ball. Note: 94% use a plastic ball for shooting spares.

Drilling the finger holes

  • Bowling balls need to be drilled unless otherwise specified
  • Be sure to take your bowling ball to a qualified professional when getting it drilled
  • Professional drilling allows you to customize the placement and size of the finger holes
  • You can find out where to get a ball drilled by going to our Pro Shop Locator, here you will be able to find pro shops in your area.
  • Stay away from part time pro shops that are only open a few hours a week
  • We do offer a basic drilling service for balls, but we still recommend going to a professional pro shop for that perfect fit.
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