Track’s New 715C Bowling Ball
Written By: | Written On: Friday, January 8, 2010 | Updated On: Monday, July 6, 2020
The 715C was designed to be a stronger version of the popular 505C. The designers set out to make a more aggressive product without compromising on the continuous/control factor at the breakpoint. The
715C is the 2nd release in their 7 series line of balls. The first release was the
We are introducing an all “NEW” coverstock for this ball, the “UMP GEN 4C” with pearl essence, which boasts a greater surface texture. The pearl essence has no performance benefit; it is purely to enhance the look of the product. The “Catback” core is still a 0.015 intermediate differential, which gives this ball unbelievable striking power. The Black/Red/Gold combination will have great shelf appeal, at 2000 grit Abralon sanded and beautifully polished with Powerhouse Factory Finish. Each new ball from Track will include a microfiber cleaning pouch with instructions on its use to help our customers maintain their performance products.
Track's new 715C is scheduled for release on February 2, 2010.