New Releases: Track 912T, 706A And 503T
Written By: | Written On: Thursday, August 16, 2012
Track 912T:The
912T is the most aggressive ball in Track's history. This ball thrives in heavy oil and will help you open up the lane on tight conditions. Don't fight with the lane, let this ball take some of the load off!
912T is currently selling for $159.99 and rates a 211.9.
Track 706A:Length and backend. Skid/snap. It's what we all like to see. It helps us create angle into the pocket and carry. It's the
706A is currently selling for $139.99 and rates a 179.7.
Track 503T:When you need a ball that will start up a little sooner, but doesn't have a ridiculous amount of hook, go to the
503T! Designed to allow you to step down from your hook monsters, but still keep the same reaction shape.
503T is currently selling for $119.99 and rates a 192.4.