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Brunswick Evil Siege Video Review

Written By: | Written On: Tuesday, January 5, 2010 | Updated On: Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Evil Siege registers a 207.5. The Evil Siege is the second release in the new series of Pro Performance balls and features the new MACE asymmetrical core as well as the new solid Propel Pearl coverstock. This is a strong ball that battles medium to heavy oil and responds quickly to friction for great pin action. Core
M.A.C.E. " Mechanical Asymmetric Core Engineering. The MACE™ core has three major benefits, Ultra Low RG core system to engage the Propel coverstock, High RG differential to aid in traction through heavy oil and High RG asymmetric differential to quicken the response time to friction. Designed as a two component elliptical core system, the MACE core is dynamically the strongest asymmetric core ever produced for a Brunswick ball. Coverstock
Introducing Propel Pearl™ coverstock the next extension in Brunswick coverstock technology. Propel Pearl is a revolutionary coverstock developed by Brunswick to improve the mid-lane and backend traction of the ball on today's slicker oils and lane surfaces. The Propel Pearl coverstock was discovered through testing of new formulation additives and process changes in coverstock manufacturing. Ball Motion
The Evil Siege™ unites the new Propel Pearl coverstock and the MACE core to produce a ball motion that is both strong in the midlane and aggressive on the backend. The Siege is your ball when your game needs help battling medium to oily conditions and poor pin action. Seize the lanes, Conquer the pins, Defeat your opponent!!

 2017 Update: As bowling technology advances season by season,  Brunswick has discontinued this ball but has released newer bowling balls that may easily become your new favorite. Based on the perfect scale of this ball, we would recommend viewing the Brunswick Pro Performance balls among the other great products Brunswick has to offer.

2017 Update: As bowling technology advances season by season, [Manufacturer Name] has discontinued this ball but has released newer bowling balls that may easily become your new favorite. Based on the perfect scale of this ball, we would recommend viewing the [New Ball Name] among the other great products [Manufacturer Name] has to offer.
2017 Update: As bowling technology advances season by season, [Manufacturer Name] has discontinued this ball but has released newer bowling balls that may easily become your new favorite. Based on the perfect scale of this ball, we would recommend viewing the [New Ball Name] among the other great products [Manufacturer Name] has to offer.
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