USBC Member Saves on Prescriptions
The pink slip that Elbert Gibson found at his work station at Roush Manufacturing one morning symbolized the fears of many workers whose livelihoods depend on an imperiled American auto industry—the loss of a job that also means the loss of employer-based health insurance.
That is when the USBC member's passion for helping inner-city youth discover scholarship opportunities in the sport of bowling led Gibson to a discovery of his own: his USBC Membership card is just as good for discounts on prescription drugs at Wal-Mart as it is for entry into USBC leagues and tournaments.
"I have my own non-profit organization, Tenth Frame Inc., that helps get inner-city kids involved in bowling and shows them the opportunities and scholarships they can get if they stick to it," the high school bowling coach explains. "I just wish these opportunities were around when I was a kid."
But as Gibson looked up averages on in preparation for a tournament recently and happened to find opportunities that are just as available to him these days as they are to the young bowlers he councils, he was quite happy to practice what he preaches.
"I just happened to click into the USBC Member Rewards Program just out of curiosity to see what it offered to bowlers, and I came across the medical program," Gibson explains of People's Health Express, one of many benefits available to USBC Members through the USBC Member Rewards Program. "I saw that USBC offers a free medical discount card for prescriptions, so I downloaded the card and brought it to the pharmacy and was able to use it with no problem."
People's Health Express offers USBC members the opportunity to save between 10% and 60% on prescription drugs at over 56,000 participating locations and includes such chains as Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Duane Reade and many more. But the program's range of discounts extends far beyond prescription drugs, including discounts on chiropractic services, vision and dental care, long-term elder care, diabetic supplies and much more.
"The way things are going right now any help people can get is a plus," Gibson says. "And the USBC is offering just that."
In the case of Elbert Gibson, the discounts he found with People's Health Express even exceeded those offered by his own health insurance provider.
"I did have a card that I was using that I got from my insurance company, but the USBC members' discount was better than the one I was already getting," Gibson explains. "So naturally I'm going to use the one I get the most benefit from, and that was the USBC's.
"I think it's a benefit to any bowler that has a USBC membership to at least go online and look at what's out there," Gibson continues. "You might find something of use to you and your family through the Member Rewards program."
Check the USBC Member Rewards Page for further information, and be sure to see the back of your USBC Membership card for details on pharmaceutical benefits and more from USBC Reward partners such as Nationwide, Wyndam Hotel Group, T-Mobile and others.
Gianmarc Manzione