Ravenna bowler dies seconds after perfect game
Written By: bowlingball.com | Written On: Friday, October 31, 2008
Just read an article from 10/30/2008 where a 62 year old man, Don Doane, died moments after bowling his first ever perfect game.
While we didn't know Don, our thoughts and well wishes go out to his family. Congratulations Don.
As quoted from
RAVENNA (WZZM) - It took 62-year old Don Doane decades to bowl his first ever perfect game.
Moments after he finally did it, he collapsed and died.
It happened October 16 at Ravenna Bowl. Doane had just bowled his
final strike and was being congratulated by friends when he collapsed
and died of an apparent heart attack.
Tonight at 11:00, WZZM 13's Phil Dawson talks with Doane's friends at Ravenna Bowl, who were there on the night of his death.