New Release: Hammer Bad Intentions Hybrid Bowling Ball
Written By: | Written On: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 | Updated On: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9/30/2015
Hammer Bad Intentions Hybrid:
Following in the footsteps of previous "Bad" releases, the
Bad Ass RARE - SOLD OUT and
Bad Intentions, Hammer has released the Bad Intentions Hybrid. This ball is intended to fit directly between the Bad Intentions Solid and Bad ass... and boy does it! This ball is the perfect compliment. Reads the midlane earlier than the Bad Ass but has more length than the BI Hybrid and it absolutely rips on the backend! If you've got the first two "Bad" balls in your bag, the Bad Intentions Hybrid is a must have!
Same core, new cover, badder intentions with the Hammer Bad Intentions Hybrid.
The Bad Intentions Hybrid features the proven Spheroid Symmetric Core that has been featured in the Bad Ass and Bad Intentions Solid. This core with its Low RG/High Differential numbers provides a roll that reads all parts of the lane and provides maximum flare and hook potential.
Pair this with the new Juiced Extreme Hybrid Coverstock, finished at 500/3000 Abralon, which will give more length than the Bad Intentions Solid with a stronger backend reaction.
Here's what Hammer has to say about the Bad Intentions:
The overall strength rating of the Bad Intentions Hybrid is a perfect complement to the Bad Intentions. The NEW cover and finish changes allow this one to be more aggressive down lane! We’ve also gone extreme by adding our NEW Tough Tech, Carbon Fiber reinforcement to the coverstock making this truly the toughest ball we’ve ever made.
Bad Intentions Hybrid is currently selling for $169.99 and rates a 230.9.