Joining Your First Bowling League
Written By: | Written On: Sunday, November 12, 2023,
Originally Posted: 3/5/2014; Updated: 11/12/2023
If you are new to the game and considering joining your first bowling league, there are a few ideas which can lead you in a good direction.
Bowling leagues are outstanding social activities regardless if you are an entry level league bowler or a highly skilled and experienced league player.
In addition to the social benefits of being part of a league team, the competitive aspects of leagues can be fulfilling and exciting.
Leagues are for anyone of any age so long as you understand the commitment you make to teammates.
One of the first things to do in selecting a suitable league to join is to shop around for the right bowling center for you before committing to league play.
Check with the control desk personnel when you decide on a center and ask to speak with the league coordinator or a league manager.
These personnel are responsible for organizing bowling leagues and getting people signed-up for the coming league season.
Ask the league manager for a list of leagues which can accommodate your entry skill level. Try to find a league which needs a new bowler so you can bowl with compatible teammates.
Normally, joining a low team-average handicap league is a great place for new adult bowlers to start.
Handicap leagues make competition fair and equitable for all league members.
Leagues assign you an average until you establish one or apply your initial average retroactively as soon as you bowl a few games in accordance with the given league rules.
Handicap leagues allow you to compete against other bowlers with varying levels of skill and still have an equal chance of winning.
Try and encourage friends or family to join your new team if you are originating a team for a given league. It helps to bowl with friends and with people you know have the same desire for fun and for competition.
Bowling in competition is easy when you are relaxed around your teammates.
Another useful and important tip is to invest in your own personal bowling ball, shoes and bag. Owning your own equipment is important when you begin bowling on a regularly scheduled league.
Bowling leagues are the backbone of the game. Enjoy yourself and satisfy your social and competitive needs by joining a bowling league soon. You just might find yourself getting hooked on the game.