Haggerty earns USBC David Dahms Coach of the Year Award
Written By: bowlingball.com | Written On: Thursday, February 26, 2009
Debbie Haggerty, who has been involved in the sport of bowling as a coach for the last 18 years and as a youth director for the last 15 years, has been selected to receive the 2009 United States Bowling Congress David Dahms Coach of the Year Award by the USBC Youth Committee.
This prestigious award recognizes a USBC Youth coach who has been actively involved in a USBC Youth program and has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to coaching, sportsmanship and knowledge of USBC Youth rules for the last seven or more years.
"When told I was selected for this award, it was such a surprise; I was literally speechless," Haggerty said. "I've always thought this award was the epitome of recognition knowing what kind of a person David Dahms was and the vision he had for our sport."
Haggerty, of Weimar, Calif., currently has 225 bowlers in her Fireside Lanes Youth Program, several of whom are Junior Gold members. She has the only Junior Gold league in the Sacramento area and also manages several local and area tournaments.
She grew up around the sport, as her mother was a certified coach and her father was a high-average bowler. Haggerty became involved with coaching after her son, P.J., began showing interest in the sport at age 2. P.J. would eventually become a three-year member of Junior Team USA.
"I've been fortunate to have had some outstanding mentors guiding me along the way; Jack Thomas, Mary Lynly, Barbara Metzinger, Tink Wasina and Glenn Carlson to name a few," Haggerty said. "Having a son pursue his dreams and a husband who supported us every step of the way has helped me to become the coach I am today."
Haggerty, who is on the Greater Sacramento Area USBC Youth Committee, has had approximately 50 coaches certified through her coaching program and national programs, and said that "being able to help develop coaches who are willing to give of themselves to help others is truly satisfying."
For being selected as the David Dahms Coach of the Year, Haggerty will be recognized at the USBC Convention in Reno this spring. She also will automatically be approved as a coach in the People to People Sports Ambassador Program and will have the opportunity to travel internationally as part of a People to People bowling tour.