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Father/Son Part Of Three 300 Games At Same Time

Written By: | Written On: Thursday, January 20, 2011 | Updated On: Monday, February 27, 2023

It was quite a start for the St. Jane men’s bowling league Wednesday night, as Bob Wiszowaty, his son Mitchell and Scott Timko all bowled 300s in the first game.
Bob Wiszowaty was on lanes 13-14, Mitchell was on 19-20, and Timko was on 1-2 in the five-man league at 5 Star Lanes in Sterling Heights.
“Scott is probably one of the best bowlers in southeast Michigan," Bob Wiszowaty said. “It’s kind of cute. My son and I obviously hoped that this would happen. My oldest son (Christopher) was there, but he didn’t bowl a 300. He saw that, and he was just elated. He was the happiest person in the world. It was really kind of cool.’’
It was 55-year-old Bob Wiszowaty’s 10th perfect game, while 27-year-old Mitchell registered his second and Timko his 21st. Bob has a 222 average in league play. Timko is at 233 and Mitchell 210.
“It’s a hobby, but we have a lot of fun with it," Bob Wiszowaty said. “Scott is too good to get in jackpots, so we all split the pot of gold. It starts at 300, and we all bowled 300. I think we split $12 each, so it was big money. It was worth it. It’s not about the money, it’s about having fun and getting out, in this case, with my sons, and many, many friends. There were three 300s bowled last week. I think the league is probably up to about nine or 10 300s bowled so far."
Rolling a 300 on the same night as his dad was quite a thrill for Mitchell Wiszowaty.
“The only thing I could say is, if I shot a hundred more in my life, I’d never feel as good as I felt yesterday," he said. “We all knew. We were watching each other. I kept going to my dad’s pair."
Timko, 38, said it had been two seasons since his last 300.
“It was a good night," he said. “It was something special to see with Mitch and Bob throwing them; father and son, the same night, same game. … It was something special."
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