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Bowling Ball Axis Weight

Written By: | Written On: Monday, January 2, 2023, Originally Posted: 1/2/2014; Updated: 1/2/2023 Everyone desires a controllable and predictable ball reaction on every lane condition. There are certain drilling layouts which produce controllable ball motion.
Bowling ball axis weight is one of the most reliable layouts you can use to create a stable bowling ball motion on many common lane conditions.
Your pro shop professional can help you determine which layout to select based on your delivery technique.
Your Pro shop professional will access your Positive Axis Point, the Center of Gravity, and the Pin Location on your ball surface to begin mapping out the axis weight layout option. They may opt to use a balance hole to achieve the desired amount of weight imbalance after drilling the given bowling ball.
Axis weight is best described as a drilling pattern designed to produce little or no track flare and get the ball into an early roll with little backend reaction.
Axis weight has the Pin located on or near the bowler's PAP.
The core is positioned along the initial spin axis which places the core in a stable position.
Using an axis weight layout, your bowling ball will be initially rotating about the minimum RG axis, which is a stable core position.
Therefore, it will continue to rotate about this axis creating no track flare.
Low track flare reduces the backend reaction.
Since the ball is rotating about the low RG axis, it is easier for you to rotate the ball off of your hand which gets the ball into an earlier roll.
Axis weight can be used on a variety of lane conditions including wet/dry lanes, heavy blended conditions, and shorter distance oil patterns.
It helps to understand the options you have when choosing a bowling ball drilling layout. If you are a serious competitive bowler, having an axis weight drilling in your arsenal will serve you well.
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