17% Increase In Participation Expected For 2020 Championships
Written By: bowlingball.com | Written On: Thursday, November 7, 2019 | Updated On: Wednesday, November 27, 2019
bowlingball.com Staff Writer
After reviewing a recent survey’s results from the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) given to the competitors of the 2019 Open Championships, the USBC expects at least a 17% increase in participation for the 2020 event held in Reno, NV.
In 2017, the USBC introduced some new changes to the Open Championships, improving the peer-to-peer competition, average requirements and holding the publication of oil patterns until the event is complete. This year (2019), the third year since the changes were made, marked the largest competitive field in nearly 7 years.
Some other points made by the survey were:
"87% either agree or don’t have an opinion regarding the use of Championships Average as the entering average for the event, with 74% in the Standard Division agreeing it was a positive change for the tournament
79% agree or don’t have an opinion regarding whether the lane conditions were appropriate for a national championship tournament and the majority (56%) agree with not revealing the lane pattern until after the event, an increase of 12% from the 2018 survey
94% were satisfied or neutral when asked about their satisfaction with brackets"
-Bigham, Terry. “USBC Anticipates 17% Participation Increase in 2020 Open Championships”, November 1st, 2019,