Practice Bowling
Written By: | Written On: Friday, October 4, 2013
Practice bowling is not for everyone and can vary in application from bowler to bowler. Some bowlers simply do not enjoy practice bowling whatsoever and will do so only when drilling a new bowling ball or preparing for an important event.
Some of you will bowl on a social basis only. Some of you bowl in leagues only. Typically, tournament bowlers are league bowlers who do, indeed, practice bowling.
If you wish to improve your game it is extremely difficult to do so without practicing. Here is the kicker - if you are say, a 160 average or below, you generally will practice without any game plan or without any useful practice structure.
The objective in these modern times regarding practice is to use the games you pay for as wisely as possible. It is important to prepare a practice plan so you are certain to work on specific components of your game and stay in budget.
It is important to use some of the practice time to work on your physical game skills. It is just a important to spend time practicing your spare shooting and your alignment and adjustment strategies.
It is difficult to practice all the things you believe are key to making progress so develop a practice plan. One session you can dedicate to 3 - 5 physical game fundamentals such as footwork, swing and release techniques, or posture and balance.
Another session you can dedicate to spares, and so forth, until you address the various issues you factor as being most vital to making improvements in your game.
A good practice plan is to schedule five sessions in spaced intervals. If time and budget matters prohibit more than one practice per week, use the time to work on some physical game keys and some time on shot making, alignment, spares, or perhaps on using your various
bowling ball equipment.
If you are able to practice two or three times per week, you can certainly cover more areas related to your game.
If you space an interval between your league sessions and your practice sessions, you can get the most out of both session types.
It is good to bowl at least one time each three days on average to keep a fluid routine in place.
Prepare your own checklist containing a simple outline of key physical components of your game. An organized practice structure is a "game plan" and is a good method to not overlook important areas of your game. You don't want to get caught up during practice in just trying to get strikes.
Establish a dedicated amount of time during each practice session focusing on each sub-element in your game plan outline.
For example, when working on physical game elements, develop perhaps four keys to your game and spend about 10-15 minutes per key element each practice session without paying attention to score.
If you do not try to roll a strike when a full rack of pins are standing, you should be able to get 20 deliveries per game of practice to work on components of your game.
One other consideration regarding solo practice sessions is to not rush shots. Bowl at perhaps the same elapsed time between frames as you would in your leagues.
Pace yourself in practice instead of merely jamming as many deliveries as you can in as short amount of time as you can.
Avoid pressing the reset button for full racks of pins if you do not strike.
Use your practice frames wisely and with purpose. Develop your practice plan, set your budget accordingly, and dedicate sufficient time working on your game.
If you do so, you will eventually see your average raise coupled with the pleasure you get from rolling improved scores.